Ever Feel Like This?

The Swoosh



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16 years ago

Roy, timing is everything, right! Thanks my brother!

16 years ago

The first thing I thought of was…wow, this is just a little too big.

I think about growing up and being impatient about when it’s going to be “my turn” to do the things that I see others doing. As an adult, I caution myself on getting out ahead of myself by expecting things too fast. Just like when I was younger, if it doesn’t “fit” right now that doesn’t mean that I won’t grow into it.

16 years ago

Christina, speaking of perspective, what if he’s just saying “I don’t like this cap!” :-)

16 years ago

This little guy is telling me…”Geez, I already told you that. Don’t you get it? It’s so obvious.”

When?… When I’ve told you over and over. How many more ways can I say it?

Why?… Because someone has to set you straight. I can’t always be the one with the answers.

How do you respond?… With an acknowledgement that you actually know the answer already/ with a smile expressing appreciation for the wisdom of the little guy/ with frustration that you’re not getting the answer you want…. there are so many ways.

As in life we can look at one thing in different ways. It can be fun and revealing to take one photo, one expression, one moment and interpret it one way and then examine the same thing from another point of view. Even if it seems impossible to have another perspective on something the exercise can help you really understand that we ALWAYS have choice.

16 years ago

That’s right! Thanks Cassandra! If you make each “one more step” really count, then you’re making history with each new moment, each new step, aren’t you? This goes back to our slogan, “Make History Now!” So the answer to the question, “What are you doing next to make history now?” could be a simple one. “I’m taking one more step.” Right?

16 years ago

What now?!?!

Lately, I feel and think that on various levels. I realize that I have many blessings and opportunities, yet at times, my desires are stagnant and have plateaued. My reaction is to awaken each morning grateful and open to the possibilities of the wisdom that each day may bring forth.

Indeed, the universe responds to momentum with voracity… so small steps can be exponential depending upon the passion and desire behind them.

So, what now? One more step…..

Uncle Lawrence
16 years ago

Hey little one, I am sure I felt like that when I was a little boy although I can’t remember why. I have felt like that too as a big guy about things that are out of my control. As a little guy, I probably went to go play with a ball to keep me occupied with something more fun. As a big guy, I can still go play with a ball to keep me occupied with something more fun.

16 years ago

Hey Leah! Thanks for sharing that.

I feel like that all the time. The thing is not to dwell there. My whole thing is that I used to feel inferior and afraid of success. What I do every day is ask myself if 1) can I go one more step? and 2) am I being clear enough in terms of what I want and why?

For you, I would recommend that you write down your goals. Paint a massive vision for yourself. Be clear. This way, every day, you will know exactly what you need to do, even if it’s just only one seemingly small step towards a bigger thing. The universe loves momentum, even if it’s one small step, right?

Meanwhile, nothing will “fall into place” until you make it do so. You already have the passion and energy. Enjoy and embrace what’s happening right now, and realize that every single moment has something really great in it! Might you be learning something crucial that you’ll need to make the next step?

And I would avoid mixing things up. If you look up at a clear blue sky and see one cloud, does that make it a cloudy day?

If all fails, just reach out and help someone. Give someone a hand with something. Anything. Offer to do someone a big favor you know they’ll appreciate. You’ll be amazed at how great that makes you feel, and them too!

There’s some wisdom someone shared with me just yesterday that goes like this:

“When we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.”

16 years ago

i forgot to say that when i first looked at this photo i thought this little guy looks frustrated. unfortunately, we all know how that feels sometimes….

16 years ago

yes claude, i have to say i do feel like that, right now. i will be the first person to admit how lucky i am… i have an amazing family and a supportive group of friends. i have been lucky enough to receive a great education at a fantastic school. really, i love my personal life. however, i feel like my professional life is struggling. everybody always says, dont let what you do professionally define who you are, and i understand that. but i have such passion and enthusiasm for a leading, industry-defining role, but its just not falling into place right now. i feel like since im not as successful as i want to be right now in my professional life, that im not successful in general. have you ever felt like that? if so, what did you do to change? what did you do to take that ever so difficult first step to make something happen?